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SMS Options

Summary Page

You can configure the SMS results as a summary page link.

Set your configuration to have

static $sms_summary_page = true;

Some older handsets are not capable of rendering maps links. If you want to enable this feature add the following to your config.php file.

static $include_map_link = true;

Adding Location Text

This feature enables you to include the name of the meeting location in search results, by default it is disabled. If you want to enable this feature add the following to your config.php file.

static $include_location_text = true;

Adding Distance Details

This feature allow you to include the distance from the search criteria in an SMS response. You can specify either mi or km.

static $include_distance_details = 'mi';

Combine Results

Combining to a single SMS versus individual ones.

Set your configuration to have

static $sms_combine = true;


This feature will not return an SMS to any numbers specified in a comma separated list.

static $sms_blackhole = '+12125551212';